boy toys

What Are The Best Toys For Three Year Old Boys?

“Choosing toys for our little ones is such a challenge these days because the market is flooded with so many options. It can really make it difficult to try and pick toys that are worthwhile and will really foster their imaginations in the way that playing should. While marketers would love for you (and your child) to believe that their new “”latest and greatest”” battery operated plastic toy is the only thing you need, sticking to some of the tried and true classics will likely offer more long term enjoyment for little ones. Here’s a look at some of the best toys for three year old boys:
Building toys – Building toys are great because they encourage kids to be creative and really use their imaginations. Every time they play with them, they can create something new. They also help develop many skills including hand-eye coordination. A set of unit or building blocks, Lego duplos, or Wedgits are all great options for building toys for three year olds.

Board games – Three is the perfect age to begin introducing board games to your little boy. Playing board games with them is a great way to spend quality time together plus they further develop skills they are working on mastering such as counting, learning their colors, taking turns, and more. A few really fun games for three year old boys: Hisss, Zingo, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, Link Slot777, and Memory.

Role playing toys – Role playing is so important to a child’s development. It is how they prepare themselves for their future roles as adults. There are a lot of toys that you can buy to encourage role playing during their play time. A doctor’s kit or dress up clothes are both good options. A toy shopping cart and some play food are also big hits with kids this age. If your little boy has expressed interest, you might even want to consider a toy kitchen. It offers endless opportunities for creative role playing at this age.

Toy cars and trucks – Very few little boys don’t love playing with cars and trucks. Some die cast cars or a good set of wooden ones can provide countless hours of enjoyment for them. Add in a toy wooden parking garage or a road rug and you are guaranteed a hit!

So as you can see, sticking to the basics is usually the best way to go when choosing toys for a three year old boy. A lot of the battery operated gadgets that are being marketed to little ones these days don’t encourage them to interact much or use their imaginations when they are playing. In my opinion, a few good toys that encourage creative play are far better than a dozen high tech toys that don’t promote open ended play!”

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